Welcome to HSC
Home School Connection
Here at Home School Connection (HSC), we give children an opportunity for social and emotional development for parents to incorporate into a traditional home school program.
HSC is a publicly funded, part-time Home School Enrichment Program, providing in person classes one day a week for K-6th graders. Classes are held at three locations; Tuesday and Wednesday in Westminster, Thursday in Evergreen, and Friday in Lakewood. School is 9am-3:10pm and classes are electives that are subject based, including Science, Technology, Art, Drama, Home Ec., Martial Arts, Health and Fitness, Social Studies, and more!
1st-6th grade rotate through 6 classes of their choosing (based on availability), click HERE to view the daily schedule.
Kindergarten students stay in their own classroom for most of the day, click HERE to view their daily schedule.
Please use the links below for more detailed information
Upcoming Events and Announcements
Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is OPEN! If you are interested in registering and enrolling with us, please call 720-289-9230 or email enrollment@wwahomeschool.org.