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Attendance Policies

Weekly Attendance


If your student is absent, please call the attendance line, 720-289-9230 ext. 1, or email no later than 9:00am on the day of the absence. While we know that HSC is supplemental to the education you are providing your children at home, many of our classes require steady attendance to be successful. If your student misses three or more weeks in a semester without notification, they will be unenrolled from the program. If they would like to return to HSC, they will need to re-enroll for the next semester. 


October Count


Each year, the district has a window of time called "October Count" where the district looks at our enrollment, attendance, student work, etc. Many reports are turned in for the district to determine funding for our program.  The funding we receive is the ONLY reason we are able to provide the quality teachers and classes that we offer, so again, it is imperative that your student is present on their HSC day during this time. If a student misses one or both of their HSC days during this window, we reserve the right to withdraw your student from our program.


We know many of our families have the opportunity to travel, and we support that fully! However, we ask that you try not to schedule any major trips during this time as to avoid missing your student’s HSC day. In the event of an unplanned absence (i.e. your student is sick,) please email with the date, student’s name, reasons for absence, AND documentation of absence (i.e. a doctor’s note, receipt for travel, etc).

Please email with questions about October Count.


Snow Day Policy

HSC follows Jeffco Schools for closures, so you can check local news stations and Jeffco’s website for school closures. Additionally, because our staff and families drive from all over the Denver area to attend our program, there are times when HSC might have a delayed start, early release, or closure outside of Jeffco’s decision. Anytime there is a delayed start, early release, or closure, you will be notified using the Jeffco School Messenger automated messaging system which uses your contact information from Infinite Campus. Please make sure your information is current and it is HIGHLY recommended that you select Text, Phone, and Email under Notifications located in the Contacts settings of your profile.

The safety of our families is our number one priority. If you do not feel safe driving to HSC on a snowy day, please stay home and do what is best for your family. We will excuse all absences as long as you call 720-289-9230 or email  us at and let us know.

​Anytime HSC has a delayed start, we begin with Period 2 classes @ 10:05. Student arrival is from 9:55-10:05am.

If you ever feel like it is unsafe to drive to school, please email and the absence will be excused.

For all attendance related questions please email

© 2021 Woodrow Wilson Academy

Home School Connection

Westminster: 11355 N Sheridan Blvd.

Evergreen: 27154 N Turkey Creek Road

Lakewood: 455 S Youngfield Ct.

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