General FAQs
What should my student bring to HSC?
Lunch: Your student will need to bring a lunch (we are unable to provide microwaves for our students so please pack something cold or in a thermos), a water bottle, and a first period snack (Kindergarten should bring two snacks.)
Snack: 1st-6th grade students have snack at the end of 1st period. Kindergarten students have a morning and afternoon snack.
Water bottle: Please remember to pack a water bottle! If your student forgets theirs, we can provide a water bottle or a water cup that can be filled at the water fountain.
Backpack: This is how students will keep track of their belongings, lunch, snack, water bottle, and projects throughout the day.
Appropriate attire for weather: We try to go outside for recess each day unless the weather is too cold or wet. Some of our classes also require outdoor activities.
Where should my students put their backpacks, lunchboxes, jackets, etc.
Students carry all their belongings with them between classes. Each classroom will have a designated spot for student's to set down their stuff before starting class.
Can my child bring nuts?
Yes, (except Evergreen location) students are allowed to bring products containing nuts in their lunches. At HSC we acknowledge and respect that many of our students have allergies and strive to make sure they feel safe in their environment. We are always happy to provide a nut free table at lunch or an alternative option so your child feels safe here at HSC.
Our Thursday Evergreen campus is nut-free, as a policy with the church. Please refrain from packing nuts for your student’s morning snack.
We have a very strict no food sharing policy. Please reinforce this behavior with your students at home.
I forgot a fork/spoon in my student’s lunch, do you provide these?
Yes! If you've forgotten to pack a utensil for your child, we are more than happy to provide a plastic fork or spoon. However, we like to have these for emergencies only so please try to remember to pack one.
Do students have passing periods between classes? What about bathroom breaks?
We do not have passing periods at HSC but children are able to use the bathroom freely during class, as long as they ask permission from their teacher and receive a hall pass. During the time between class periods, students should check in with their next teacher before going to the restroom or getting water.
Are there attendance requirements for my students?
We understand that this program is supplemental to the home school curriculum you are providing your student. However, many of our classes require steady attendance in order to be successful and it's encouraged that you try to come as often as you can. If your child has 3 or more unexcused absences in a semester, we will unenroll them from the program. They will have to re-enroll at the beginning of the next semester in order to return to HSC, provided there is space available.
What is an unexcused absence?
WWA's Homeschool Connection will excuse most absences as long as we are notified by 9:00am on the day of the absence. If we have not received notification by 9:45am, it will be listed as an unexcused absence.
My student is absent today/we have a planned absence coming up, who do I notify?
Please email all attendance, dismissal, and drop off notices to attendance@wwahomeschool.org. In the email please include the date, your student’s name, and the reason for their absence.
What safety measures are taken to ensure my child's safety at HSC?
We work closely with the church staff to make sure all safety measures that can be taken are being taken. All exterior doors are locked throughout the day and there is always a staff member present watching the door. We will unlock the doors for a period of time between the start of drop off and the the first ten minutes of 1st period.
Our staff use walkie talkies to communicate with one another. At each location, we have district walkie talkies as well. Our church staff is also equipped with walkie talkies to alert us in the event of an emergency.
In case of an emergency, we follow Standard Response Protocol (SPR). September is Safety month, and we discuss the different scenarios presented in SRP and how to respond in such scenarios. We will also practice fire drills and lock down drills at each of our locations. Safety is our number one priority here at HSC, we take all measures possible to ensure this for our students.
Do you ever cancel classes because of the weather?
Yes. We follow Jeffco schools for closures, so you can check local news stations and Jeffco’s website for school closures. We will also contact you using the Jeffco automated system, which uses your information from Jeffco Connect, so please make sure that is current.
Our teachers and families drive from all over the state to attend our program. There are times when we call school even though Jeffco doesn’t. When that happens, you will be notified using the Jeffco automated system through Jeffco Connect.
Our families safety is our number one priority. If you do not feel safe driving to HSC on a snowy day at school day, please stay home and do what’s best for your family. We will excuse all absences as long as you email us at attendance@wwahomeschool.org.
What are the Start/End times at The Home School Connection?
Doors will open at 9:00am and class officially starts at 9:10am.
Dismissal is from 3:10 - 3:20.
What happens if I am late to pick up my child(ren) from HSC?
Children who are left at the program 20 minutes past dismissal (3:30pm) will be charged $1.00 per minute, per child. At this time, we will also begin calling all emergency contacts we have on file. If we cannot reach any contacts and the child is still at the program after an additional 20 minutes (40 minutes past dismissal) the authorities/social services may be notified.
If you are running late please give us a call at 720-289-9230.
How can I find out about upcoming events at HSC?
We email reminders about all upcoming events (i.e. Trunk or Treat, Open House, Field Day, etc) as well as post upcoming events on our Student's Corner and Facebook Group.
Following us on our Facebook page is also a good way to stay up to date on current HSC events. We also have an HSC Facebook Group that is exclusive to current and past HSC families. This group is private and you must ask to join.
Not a technology person? No sweat! At every HSC location we have a chalk board at the drive line that lets you know what’s coming up in the next few weeks. We recommend taking a picture of it on your phone so you can refer back to it. Flyers are also sent home with students for those of you that still like a paper copy!
What is the HSC Student's Corner?
The HSC Student's Corner is a comprehensive website available to current HSC families ONLY. This page includes upcoming events, pictures from students, and more! This page is password protected so please do not share it with anyone outside of the HSC circle. If you need the link and password to the HSC Student's Corner please email enrollment@wwahomeschool.org.
Can my student bring their cell phone/laptop/tablet to HSC?
No. HSC has a strict no technology policy. Unless otherwise arranged with the director, please leave all laptops, cellphones, and tablets at home.
Who do I contact about field trips?
Please check out our HSC Student Corner (password protected), see the flyer that was sent home with your student, or contact Ms. Kim (kross@wwahomeschool.org) for information about upcoming field trips.
It’s my student’s birthday today! Can I bring treats for their classmates?
We love birthday treats as much as the next person, but we follow Jeffco’s “no sweets” policy. Many of our students have allergies and dietary restrictions and we want to be respectful of that. Your student is welcome to bring any non-food treats such as stickers, erasers, etc. to share with classmates. Please keep in mind that there are anywhere from 80 - 100 students on any given HSC day, so you may want to limit it to just one class.
All students get a prize on their birthday (or birthday week). Ms. Antionette will call birthday students to the clinic to pick out their prize!
What does PONIES stand for?
Ponies is our acronym we use to help kids remember the HSC rules.
P is for Permission
You must always ask to leave a classroom. It is not safe for you to wander out of class without permission from your teacher for any reason.
During lunch and recess, please ask a teacher for permission before coming inside for a drink, the bathroom, or any other reason.
O is for Others
Be a friend to everyone. Include others and be kind.
Keep hands to ourselves. Tag games are okay but just remember everyone’s personal bubble.
Playing rough is never okay at HSC. Wrestling games are not safe and someone could get hurt.
Be honest, games are no longer fun if nobody follows the rules, make sure you understand how to play fair, if you’re not sure ask a teacher or a friend!
It’s okay to tell a teacher if you feel someone is not making safe choices. By telling a teacher you’re helping a friend stay safe.
N is for Neatness
Rocks are off limits.
No throwing snow in the winter.
Please wipe your spot after you are done eating.
Always pick up your trash.
Please use proper bathroom etiquette.
I is for In LINE
Line up after the line leader of the day. (Students can use a ticket to “buy” this privilege)
Keep hands to ourselves. Respect everyone’s personal bubble.
Cutting in line is not permitted.
Line up on the concrete when coming in from recess.
E is for Eating
No sharing food.
If you are finishing your lunch outside you MUST sit in the designated area.
S is for Safety and Stuff
Share and take care of our equipment. Take turns or play a game where everyone can use it.
Toys and electronics from home are not allowed at HSC.
When you come inside from recess, make sure you have everything, water bottle, jacket, lanyard, etc. Anything left outside will go to Lost and Found
Didn't find the answer to your question? Email enrollment@wwahomeschool.org!