Clinic Corner
Guidelines for a Healthy School Year
Please DO NOT send your child to school if …
They have had a fever during the night. Please do not give Tylenol or Motrin and then send them to school. Wait 24 hours to be fever free (without medicine) before returning to school.
They have vomited or have had diarrhea within 24 hours.
You suspect your child has an infectious disease and are waiting for a physician’s appointment to confirm the diagnosis.
If they have been prescribed antibiotics, they may return after being on the medicine for 12 hours.
Student absences will be excused for the following reasons:
A student who is temporarily ill or injured. Parents must call or email the school office to excuse their child before 10:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.
A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental, or emotional disability.
Excused absences, which include: funerals, illness, injury, legal obligations, medical procedures, religious observations, and extenuating circumstances as determined by the Director.
A student who has made a request for a planned absence. Parents who are planning a prearranged absence for their student must email attendance@wwahomeschool.org.
Attendance procedures when calling your child(ren) in absent:
Please call 720-289-9230 ext 1, for the attendance line by 10:00 a.m, or email attendance@wwahomeschool.org. By 10:00 a.m., the front office will call or email all parents of students who are not in the classroom to verify that the parents/guardians are aware that the student is not in school. If your child is going to be absent more than 1 day, please make a note of that on the call/email.
Please leave the following information when you call:
Month and day of absence being reported
Student’s full name
Reason for absence
Person reporting absence (this must be a parent or guardian.)
The day that your student(s) attend
HSC follows the Colorado Department of Health & Education guidelines and infectious disease protocols.
HSC will excuse any days due to illness with proper notification. Please call the attendance line at 720-289-9230, or email HSC’s Attendance email at attendance@wwahomeschool.org, no later than 9:00 am on the day of the absence if possible.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our health policies, please contact our Health and Safety Manager, Antoinette Roybal, at aroybal@wwahomeschool.org or 720-289-9230 ext. 1.
Medication Policy
It is Jeffco Policy that any medications must be kept in the HSC clinic. A JeffCo Medication Agreement Form must accompany all medications (see below for link). Please note that it must be the JeffCo form for us to be able to dispense meds at school, and all medications must be provided by the parent. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications require both the parent’s and the physician’s signatures. In the instance of an Epi-Pen or Asthma inhaler, the appropriate forms are linked below.
You can turn in the form to the front office or ask your doctor to fax it to 720-289-9230, Attention: Antoinette Roybal.
All medications MUST be in their original packaging (no zip lock baggies) and all prescriptions must have the pharmacy label on them with students name clearly visible.
Clinic Forms
Immunizations are due by August 1st. However, if your student is turning 5 or 11 before October 1st 2023, we recommend waiting to submit immunizations until they've received their updated shots. These can be emailed to enrollment@wwahomeschool.org or can be faxed to 720-289-9230 straight from your doctor's office.
When registration is completed, we require that parents turn in a current Colorado Immunization form. This can be obtained from your doctor and brought to the front desk or faxed to 720-289-9230. Please note that students moving from Pre-K to Kindergarten will require vaccines, and students moving from 5th to 6th grade will usually require vaccines. Requirements for the 2023-2024 school year can be found at the link below.
Immunization Letter for Parents 23/24
There are two ways to file Non-Medical (personal or religious) Exemptions:
1. Submit the Nonmedical Exemption Form, which now REQUIRES a Doctor, AP Nurse, or Physician’s Assistant signature.
2. Submit the certificate you receive upon completion of the Online Education Module. At the end of the module, you can input information to print your exemption form that does not require a doctor’s signature.
Need help? Click HERE for instructions on completing a Non Medical Exemption Form.
Nonmedical exemptions expire each year on June 30th, and require renewal each school year. New Exemption forms can be downloaded from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment by clicking here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Health and Safety Manager, Antoinette, at aroybal@wwahomeschool.org.